

A collection of random experiments. Mostly fun visual stuff

Train test

Train test for young children


Fun with mirrors!

Seed of Life

The seed of life is a pattern sacred in some thing

Triangle dots

Pixel by pixel formation of Serpinski triangle

Modulo Multiplication

A beautiful example of modulo maths. Based on the ideas from this wonderful video from Mathologer.

Personal Pattern

Get a unique pattern for your name

Nail Board

Line to every point.

Gloopy Shapes

Smooth min between two shapes to blend. Shapes can be dragged with the mouse

Lava Lamp

Raymarching circles to make a lava lamp effect


...keep falling on my head

Raindrops Version 2

Metatron's Cube

Metatron's Cube is special pattern, which contains within it projections of many simple polygons. It's also a fun shape to draw!

Fibonacci Dots

Placing points based on rotating around a circle by the golden angle. Creates a pattern similar to a pinecone or sunflower

Fibonacci Rose

Fibonacci Rose - Version 2

Scaled up red dots form the pattern of rose petals

Fibonacci Lines

Joining every nth Fibonacci point on a circle. Creates some cool spirals

Hilbert Curve

Hilbert curve, a very cool space-filling curve!

Pythagoras Tree

Mouse-reactive branching tree. Details on Wikipedia: Pythagoras Tree

Mine is not a "true" Pythagoras tree since it uses lines not squares and triangles, it's just supposed to be fun, not be mathematically special.

Maze Generator

Recursive backtracker generation with explicit stack

Map Generator

Map generator using the above maze generation


The pentagram aka star has a lot of symbolism. In this experiment I just wanted to see how to draw it following over-under-over pattern without re-drawing lines. The way to do this is to split each line in half and draw all of one side, then all of the other.

Nearest Point

Each pixel is coloured according to how close it is to a line.

Line Star


Line star pattern inspired by a Reddit post

Name Generator

Spits out random vaguely plausible sounding names

Name Generator 2

All new and improved edition! Generates culture-based names

Mandelbrot Set

Attempt at a fractal. It's very slow

Mandelbrot points

Explore the intermediate calculations of a given point in the set


A flocking good time!

Rainbow Boids

Using boids to make a chaotic field

Vaporwave Sunset

A sunset scene inspired by vaporwave. Custom ripple effect


Attempt at a spirograph-like pattern. Does not auto-stop


Double pendulum experiment showing chaotic motion


Generates points in a pseudo-gaussian manner and plots them. Makes for some pretty, smokey looking patterns

Random Colors

Not actually random. Pseudorandom colours distributed by golden ratio to be a nicer distribution than actual random

Magic 8 Ball

Test of functionality. Now with optional API call

Barnsley Fern

Pythagoras Tree. Details on Wikipedia: Barnsley Fern

The vast majority of the implimentation is from here too, I only modified it to suit my needs.

Barnsley Fern with modifiable variables

Play around with sliders and see how the fern reacts

Gauss Wave

Colour each pixel after transforming its position to a gaussian distribution.

Pie chart

JS Canvas based pie chart with hover

Mouse Prediction

Playing around with mouse prediction. This is not a good idea.

SIT Bars

Bar pattern from SIT website, randomised

McCollough Effect

Take care with this one, it can last a LONG time

Linked writing (WIP)

Cursive writing guide. Only a few letters there for now

House Map

For measuring jobs

Ant Colony Optimisation

Solving the travelling salesman problem


Audio experiments


Sorted notes and keys


Digital Theremin


Fun pages on my other sites

Web Calculator

Syntax tree based calculator/interpreter featuring multiple data types and functions

Times Tables Tester

Simple page for practising basic arithmatic